As you go to repaint the exterior of your home, what you choose for colour will redefine the property. The motivation behind what you choose and how you choose to paint may be a personal preference, driven by the objective of selling your home or being an update to increase curb appeal.
Here are some exterior home painting ideas you can apply, from buyer-friendly palettes to more unique shades of paint.
Painting Idea #1: White and Aqua
When building a colour scheme, it’s common to use white as a blank canvas. Then, you can add on a shade of something to highlight features and create symmetry. A white and aqua pattern will soften a property’s look while using the bright blue aqua to spotlight different elements.
Painting Idea #2: White and Green
White and green is an excellent colour scheme to flip the light-dark element that you find on most homes. You can use Benjamin Moore outdoor paint in a darker colour and then use your white as a highlighter around select features. In other words, paint in white and utilize a colour like dark green as your highlighter. This single accent colour is simple and charming, leaving behind a very buyer-friendly colour palette.
Painting Idea #3: Oak, Olive Green, and White
When your home is made from beautiful natural materials like wood and stone, don’t overwhelm the design with eye-catching deep paint. Lead into the natural beauty. An oak and olive green combo is muted and will allow your home to shine in a big way.
Painting Idea #4: Yellow, White, and Black
The yellow colour will bring out a lot of the characteristics of the natural material used to make the home. Yellow is a nice bright colour, ideal for use in larger homes and homes with lots of open space.
Painting Idea #5: Gray, White, and Dove
A gray, white, and dove colour palette is light on the eyes and offers a classic cottage look. It’s adorable in a home near water or when you want a relaxing, vacation-Esque atmosphere. However, it’s not for every home.
Painting Idea #6: Ocean Blue, Pale Blue, and White
If you have your sights set on blue, you can spruce up a home with a mix of two styles of blue and some white. Blues are very easy to mix, with most homeowners opting for a deep turquoise and a more neutral pale blue. It’s a very modern home style.
Painting Idea #7: White and Carbon Black
A white and black colour scheme can appear very traditional, Gothic, and modern, depending on how the palette is used. An all-white pure canvas over your home with black accenting the property creates a very grand and attractive home design, ready for further flourishes in the landscaping if that’s your style.
Painting Idea #8: Black, White, and Dark Red
The slightly Gothic palette of black, white, and ruby red is traditional and offers a unique contrast that is perfect for a Tudor-style home. This is an example of a palette more aligned with finding something that complements the traditional style of home as opposed to selecting something based on home trends.
Painting Idea #9: Teal, White, and Dark Red
Another way to use a few flourishes of dark red is a home painted predominantly with teal. The deep sea teal will not overpower a property but will still provide an eye-catching home painting style. The mix of white and teal is also a classic pairing that’s used again and again to successfully outline property features.
Painting Idea #10: Green, Blue, and White
A mix of green and blue can be tricky to coordinate. You need the right ‘blue’ and the right ‘green.’ For a home with a lot of nature or a body of water nearby, the understated soft pine green and sky blue accents make for a very calming combination.
Painting Idea #11: Mossy Green, White, and Clay
A mossy green paint job will allow a home to blend in with its natural surroundings, duplicating tones of green often seen in hedges, trees, and plants. White is an always-welcome home paint highlighter, and the reddish clay complements the mossy green without it seeming too much like Christmas.
Painting Idea #12: Gray, Gold, and White
A nice submarine deep gray with dusty gold accents and the occasional white is a very pretty combination. To use this blend, it will take a skilled eye to recognize how much gray to apply and how to assign accents to the gold or white.
Painting Idea #13: Pale Pink, White, and Azure
We’ve all seen pale pink homes out there. They’re very attention-grabbing and often exquisite when done right. Soft pink is used in many warmer climates and works well on various properties, although admittedly, it’s a definitive choice that will draw the eye. If that’s not who you are or what you want for your property, you may want to forego this exterior home painting idea.