Marriage is an important institution in the human race. However, its success depends on mutual trust, respect, and love between the two partners involved. This doesn’t mean that it’s always a smooth ride. Sometimes, married couples face challenges that might affect their relationship.
One of these challenges is infidelity. It happens when one partner is unfaithful and engages in a sexual affair with someone outside the relationship. It can be physical, emotional, or both. The problem is that sometimes, it can be challenging to know your partner is having an affair with someone outside your marriage.
Nothing hurts more than finding out that your partner is having an outside affair. It strikes through your heart and leaves a wound that may take long to heal. However, recognizing the signs early helps you navigate through infidelity and find ways of solving your relationship issues.
Although the signs mentioned here can be red flags, remember not to jump to conclusions. Discuss with your husband how you feel and iron out the issues without accusing each other. Remember, the aim is to strengthen the bond between you.
Knowing where to look would help you save your marriage before it gets out of hand. If you’re a woman and suspect that your husband might be having an affair with another woman, here are seven signs you should look out for.
Emotional Withdrawal

When you suspect your husband is cheating on you, the number one sign you should look for is how emotionally he is still connected with you. If you realize that your husband is becoming unusually distant, it is a sign that he is thinking of someone else.
You can notice this emotional distance in your conversations or during intimacy. Lady, his mind is preoccupied with another woman, and if you’re not careful, this can wreck your relationship.
Increased Secrecy

If you notice that your husband suddenly becomes a secret person, it could be a sign that he is hiding something from you. Obviously, he is having an affair with someone he wouldn’t want you to find out.
But what manifestations do you look out for? When you see him guarding his computer and phone by changing passwords and becoming offensive when you ask him about it or clearing his browsing history, know that another woman is warming his heart.
Sometimes, he would engage in private conversations and hide when making some calls. It signifies that he wants to protect his secret affair from you. Although it is vital to respect the privacy of every partner in a relationship, too much privacy is an indicator of infidelity. You may want to hire a private investigator cheating specialist for assistance.
Frequently Mentioning Her Ex’s Name

Let’s be honest. If you had an affair with someone and no longer see each other, you wouldn’t bring them up in your conversation with your current lover. Doing so signifies that you’re still emotionally or physically bonded with them.
If you notice that your husband frequently mentions the name of her past lover, you should watch out for infidelity. Whether he mentions her in a negative or positive light, it is a sign that he is still thinking about her.
He Begins Changing His Appearance

A sudden change in appearance could signify that your husband is trying to please someone else. Usually, when one finds love somewhere, they try to enhance their looks to attract them.
If you notice that your husband begins changing the type of clothes he wears and begins to pay more attention to personal hygiene, he may have an outside affair. It’s not wrong to try to be modest and look sexy. However, your husband’s frequent usage of cologne when going out alone should be a warning sign of infidelity.
He Engages in Blame Game

Your husband could also devise excuses and blame you for everything whenever there is a problem in your marriage. This is how he rationalizes his actions. It allows him to deflect his marital responsibility. When an issue arises, he will continually blame you.
He will also criticize you and make up false accusations.
At other times, he might accuse you of having an affair with someone else, even when you give him your full attention. It is his way of projecting his guilt of having an affair with another woman.
He Rarely Stays at Home

Any relationship, whether romantic or friendship, needs attention. People give attention to what they value most, and if you notice that your husband frequently stays away from home, yet he has no side gig, he is probably seeing another woman.
Whenever a person has an affair, they want to spend more time together. If your husband frequently comes back home late, has unexpected trips than before, and has reduced the time he spends with you, it could be a sign that he has a secret lover.
Decreased Intimacy

Sex is an essential requirement in every relationship. It strengthens the bond between two partners. If your husband suddenly becomes disinterested in sex, there is a high chance he has invested his emotions somewhere else. He is highly likely to receive satisfaction from another woman.
Sometimes, he may avoid making physical contact, like hugging you, inside and outside the bedroom. He may also make many excuses, such as being tired when you confront him for his lack of interest in physical intimacy. These are signs that he is having an affair with someone else.