Losing loved ones can be strenuous and tragic, filled with grief. Losing one’s mother, however, sends this pain into another dimension of indescribable emotions. Grief hits us hard and stays with us for a long time. In such cases, the grief persists far longer than we would want.
Being the friend or loved one of someone who has lost their mother is also difficult. If you know someone to who this has recently happened, expressing your sympathy and support can go a long way toward helping them through this. Your sympathy can be expressed through words, of course, but also via gift-giving. Gifting the bereaved something personal or comforting may alleviate some of their sorrows.
Here are sympathy gift ideas for someone who has lost their mother.
Memorial photo book

A beautiful gift that you can make or get made for the suffering individual is a memorial photo book. This book would contain photos of the individual’s mother who has passed, ideally in loving and memorable moments.
If you have enough photos collected, have them printed out and placed into this book. However, the gift can increase in meaning and love if you collect photographs of the bereaved’s mother from various individuals to acquire her whole sense of self in the book.
Various photographs from various individuals’ points of view will add meaning to the gift and will be greatly appreciated by the bereaved.
Sympathy flowers

Potting a plant to honour the deceased is another wonderful gift to give someone who has lost their mother. It can be a comforting reminder of the love and support she brought into their lives. If you are aware of the deceased’s or even the bereaved’s favourite plant, consider potting that one to increase the meaning of the gift. Furthermore, consider picking something that contains blooming flowers’ beauty to add more colour!
If you do not know the deceased’s or the bereaved’s favourite type of plant or flowers, some safe options would be roses, orchids, lilies, carnations, or even hydrangeas. Gathering a bouquet of these blooming flowers may be easier, so you can gift these sympathy flowers to the bereaved instead of choosing between them.
Some individuals may also consider planting a memorial tree, another great option! Just give your loved one something you know they can care for now. Losing their mother may impact them so heavily that they cannot care for a tree, so opting for the plant would be a far safer option.
Religious or spiritual gifts

A very common way that individuals cope with loss is by turning to religion or spirituality. If the person who has lost their mother is religious or spiritual, you could gift them gifts that honour their faith and give them greater meaning! For instance, you could give them a religious text to read in times of loneliness and grief, a prayer garment, or crystals that symbolize love and coping with grief, such as rose quartz.
Additionally, they may appreciate you donating to a charity or an organization their mother supported or passionate about. If your gift choice aligns with their beliefs, your friend will surely be thankful to you and know its worth.
Personalized gift

Personalized gifts hold additional meaning and affection, specifically tailored to the individual who has lost a dear one. By creating something unique and tailored specifically to the recipient, you can help to create a lasting memory of their loved one.
Some ideas for personalized gifts are a custom-made quilt, a hand-painted piece of art, engraved jewellery, or photo frames. The options are vast, but the gift will be well-received and appreciated as long as they somehow tie back to the individual’s mother.

While this sounds rather abstract, there is a lot you can do with music to convey to the bereaved that you are there for them. Music holds far more power than most of us realize. The lyrics, tunes, and rhythms bring out many emotions and allow us to feel several emotions simultaneously.
A thoughtful gift may be making your friend a playlist filled with songs that symbolize aspects of their mother, such as their mother’s favourite songs or songs that somehow describe her essence.
You can also add inspirational and uplifting songs to let them know they will be okay. Consider their musical taste when creating such a gift, and ensure it reflects their mother’s legacy!