When searching for car insurance, always ask yourself whether you’re paying more than you should. Car insurance costs vary by company, driver, car and city. Research your situation to ensure you get the best coverage. As a 20-year-old, getting cheap car insurance can be challenging due to various factors, but it’s possible.View post
How to Set Boundaries in the Workplace
Most people who work a typical job spend about a quarter of their time at work. Especially considering we spend more than a quarter of our time sleeping, this is pretty significant. It means that our workplace environment needs to be healthy. As such, we need to learn how to set boundaries with those individuals ...
How to Clear Up Your Skin Naturally
We all want clear, healthy and beautiful skin. For some of us, the ingredients commonly used in skin care products can irritate our skin, dry it, or cause acne breakouts. Skin care routines can be tricky when you have sensitive skin or if you are struggling with acne. The best advice is to stop using products ...
7 Important Human Centered Design Practices
How do you come up with a great design idea? The answer – you put the human being first. The customer. The end-user. The person that will be using what you create. This applies to anything creative, innovative, or business-oriented. Human centered design practices promote the innovating of ideas based on how well they apply to ...