In a world where it seems that chaos reigns and many people are scared to send their children to school, it’s more important than ever that there are teachers who are compassionate, dedicated, and care about their students. If you have been considering going to college to earn an education degree and are on the fence about which way to go, this list will provide you with a few of the rewards and perks of being a teacher in today’s world.
1. You can Earn a Solid Pay Check
While being a teacher isn’t something that will make you rich, it is a good solid pay check. It is possible to advance in the teaching profession over time and to get pay raises. Teacher’s salaries are higher than most people think, and the hours and the pay are consistent as well. There are quite a few teachers who own their own houses and are doing well.
2. There Are Benefits
Where in many professions, health insurance benefits and pension plans have become virtually non-existent, in the teaching profession, the benefits are still going strong. In most cases, districts pay full premiums for their teachers, and their dental, health, and vision benefits are some of the best out there today. If you are looking for a career with a benefits and pension package, then teaching is where you want to be.
3. The Hours Are Reasonable
When was the last time you worked a job that didn’t require night shift hours, or that didn’t require you to work 10 to 12 hours a day and weekends? There are very few of those types of careers out there anymore. With an education degree, you get reasonable hours as a teacher. The kids are in school for six hour a day and there is no weekend work, except maybe grading papers for your students or developing you lesson plans. Of course, you will have some long days, parent-teacher conferences etc, but the good outweighs the bad in terms of hours, every time.
4. Being a Teacher Comes with Serious Vacation Time
There’s no other career out there where you can get serious vacation time. As a teacher, you get summers off, winter break, and spring break, which comes in super handy if you have kids of your own. You won’t need a babysitter, because they will be out of school the same time that you are. Now, that’s a perk worth having for sure.
5. Share Your Passion
One of the biggest perks of a career in education is that you get to share your passion for learning and books with children. There is nothing more rewarding that seeing the light in a child’s eyes when they grasp a concept for the first time. It’s also a great way to help kids become what they are meant to be and can be super rewarding for someone who loves books, learning, and children.
6. Job Security
Job security is something that most people wish they had and don’t. However, in the education field, the job security is among some of the best you can get.
Children will always need to be taught, so there is always going to be the need for teachers to teach them. Also, unlike many professions, downsizing is rare with teachers. As a matter of fact, the need for good teachers is growing by leaps and bounds every day.
These are just some of the perks of becoming a teacher and continuing your education degree. From being able to share your passion to job security and good vacations, there’s nothing not to love about becoming a teacher today.